Young Princesses Kira and Sofi decided to take a walk in the park, but so that their legs would not get tired, they decided to use their slaves instead of riding horses. Two beautiful girls saddled their slaves, sitting on their shoulders and ordered to walk side by side. While their slaves played the role of transport, the Mistresses discussed among themselves how cool it was to use slaves in this way. Because this was the first time it was riding on the shoulders. Sofi and Kira also found it very exciting to walk on the shoulders of slaves. The Mistresses do not care at all that the slaves are very tired, on the contrary, it only amuses them. This video is recorded from two smartphones, each of which is held in the hands of one of the Mistresses sitting on the shoulders of a slave.
- Price: $6.99 USD
- Length: 00:06:23
- Issue: 16.07.2021
- Language: Russian
- Resolution: 1280x720
- Format:: WMV