Dominant Amazons Agma and Jucy dressed in black leather will fill the open mouth of the slave with their saliva. Mistresses chew gum and spit long, trailing slobber into the slave’s mouth. Sweet and viscous liquid mixed from the saliva of two girls gradually fills the slave’s mouth. But the target for the spitting of the two Mistresses is not only the mouth of the slave, but also his face, the girls like to look at the humiliated and spat on the face of a miserable slave. To diversify their mockery of the slave, Agma and Jucy spat on the table, and then grabbed the slave by the hair and began to wipe the saliva from the table with his face, smearing it all over his face.
- Price: $9.99
- Length: 00:10:35
- Issue: 12.01.2023
- Language: Russian
- Resolution: 1280×720
- Format:: WMV
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