The pathetic freak knelt before four sadistic girls Kira, Sofi, Dorimills and Agma to be severely humiliated by them. Bitchy beauties enjoy watching how the slave’s already ugly face becomes even more disgusting, becoming covered with a thick layer of their saliva from endless spitting. Each of the four Mistresses mercilessly spits in the slave’s face with huge clumps of saliva which flows down the slave’s face and beard making him even more pitiful. Not only is the slave’s face completely covered with the saliva of different girls, but also his hair and clothes are heavily soiled with their spittle. But since the slave had to close his eyes due to more spitting, the girls decided that he would not fully feel his humiliation, so they decided to verbally insult him before each spit in his face. Each time the Mistresses called the slave different names – loser, sucker, freak and so on, because this is exactly what the slave looks like now after four cruel Mistresses continuously spat on his face.
- Price: $9.99
- Length: 00:08:48
- Issue: 20.04.2024
- Language: Russian
- Resolution: 1280×720
- Format:: MP4
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