You will be humiliated right on the street in broad daylight by two boorish Mistresses Dorimills and Jucy. Hooligan girls behave very rudely with you, so they immediately spit big clots of saliva right into your mouth to show what a loser you are. The two Mistresses like to fill your mouth with their spit, and also watch their saliva flow down your dirty face. To humiliate you even more, the girls decided to spit on the dirty soles of their shoes, and then ordered you to lick their saliva off the soles. Then Jucy and Dorimills lit cigarettes so that now, in addition to spitting in your mouth and face, the girls will shake cigarette ash on you and exhale cigarette smoke into your face. You will also have to bow very low before the Mistresses because they spit on their shoes and order you to lick this spit by bending over their feet.
- Price: $9.99
- Length: 00:09:25
- Issue: 03.01.2025
- Language: Russian
- Resolution: 1280×720
- Format:: MP4
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